Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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 Working meeting

January, 25 2007 Irina Viktorovna Soloduha, director of the Information Center "Birlink", had a meeting with the teachers of the Jazula village, Ulagan region.
There are 217 people in Jazula in all and 37 of them are pupils. There are also a clubhouse and a medical station there. The electric power is transmitted by diesel power plant from 17 to 23 p.m., telephone communications are only by means of pay telephone. But nowadays Telengits live in severe climatic conditions, still have low standard of life in spite of federal laws and programs protecting North, Siberian, and the Far East indigenous peoples rights to socio-economic and cultural progress. There are 100 km of rocky roads between the regional center (the Ulagan village) and Jazula. It is both extremely hard to arrive at the village and to leave it as there is no regular transport connection and almost no car can climb the highland roads. Students that had come on their winter holidays could leave for town only by our transport.
At the meeting great attention was paid to the youth job placement in the village. Only few school leavers enter town educational institutions and they try not to come back. And the rest of them are busy about farming and raise cattle with their families. Therefore the Individual Farm Development Subprogram realized within the bounds of National Project of Agricultural Sector Development was of interest. The participants considered that only organizations occupied with farming could take part in the program. Besides Irina Viktorovna familiarized the participants with Orders of the Russian Federation of November, 19 2007 on Complex of Priority Measures for the Second International Indigenous Peoples Decade Preparation and Holding in the Russian Federation and of November, 21 2007 on Federal goal program of North, Siberian, and the Far East Indigenous Peoples Economic and Social Development up to 2015, and she also invited the participants to take part in legal probation period led by the Information Center "Birlink" at the turn of the March 2008.
The result of the meeting was the decision to create the working group on creation of territorial community in Jazula, to help the Information Center "Birlink" in creation of constituent instruments and to promote the further community development.

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Statement of Parents and Pupils of School № 28 in Abakan

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