Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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 The ''Nothern'' Committee of the State Duma Ratified the Plan of 2008

Indigenous IssuesLong-suffering Nothern Reindeer Breeding draft law will be considered in spring. The State Duma Committee on the North and the Far East problems ratified the plan of 2008. The main principles of the deputies legislation of this period are the socio-economic development and social protection of the northern territories. The Committee is to change the laws concerning state guarantees and compensations for people working and living in the Extreme North and territories equated to the Extreme North, social protection of disabled persons and those exposed to radiation in consequences of the production association "Maiak" accident (1957) and radioactive effluents on the Tacha River, housing subsidies for people leaving the Extreme North and equated territories, monthly cash benefits to some groups of the Extreme North inhabitants and others.

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