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 Workshop 'Conflicts Prevention and Furtherance of Dialogue in the Aspect of Protection of Taimyr Indigenous Peoples Rights'

LIENIP NewsA training workshop "Conflicts Prevention and Furtherance of Dialogue in the Aspect of Protection of Taimyr Indigenous Peoples Rights" was held in Dudinka (Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District, Krasnoyarsk Krai). Representatives of Taimyr indigenous peoples took part in the workshop.
Larisa G. Yalovetskaya, candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor of social and cultural department of the branch of Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (Norilsk), was the main lecturer of the workshop. Larisa G. Yalovetskaya reads lectures on the basics of communicative culture, socio-cultural activities, psychological foundations of professional skills, social psychology, conflictology, etc. She has 15 publications, 8 of them are educational ones, 7 studies and one monograph "Formation and Development of Pedagogical Conflictology in Russia ".

Key issues of conflictology: characterization of a conflict as a social phenomenon, theory of conflict mechanisms, conflict management techniques, theory of individual behavior in the conflict; technologies of effective communication and rational individual behavior in the conflict were examined during the workshop. In addition to acquiring theoretical knowledge participants were able to take part in practical exercises aimed at solving situational problems, business game "Complaint", didactic games "Frustrating Situations in Interpersonal and Business Relationships", "Art of Criticism". Practical issues of competitive behavior and behavior patterns aimed at achieving dialogue and understanding were focused on during the workshop.
We express our thanks to the head of Board of Education of Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets Municipal District’s Administration T.A. Druppova for the help in allocating of accommodation for the workshop on the basis of the Interschool Methodological Center.
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