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 The Interns of "Birlik" at the Session of the Committee on Economy, Politics, Enterprise and Tourism

LIENIP NewsOn 14 February the 10th group of the training course “The Basics of Russian Legislation and International Legal Documents on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” of the “Birlik” Information Center attended the session of the Committee on Economy, Politics, Enterprise and Tourism with the Chairman V. Bezruchenkov. In the session the Chairman of the State Meeting El Kurultai Ivan Itulovich Belekov took part.

On the session there was discussed the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on creation of special economic area of tourist-recreation type in the Altai Republic. The information “About the activities on creation of special economic area of tourist-recreation type in the Altai Republic in the framework of implementation of the Federal Law “About Special Economic Areas in the Russian Federation” and preparation of normative legal basis for functioning of a special economic area of tourist-recreation type” was reported by: acting Minister of Economic Development and Investments V. Poletayev, acting Minister of Tourism, Enterprise and Investments E. Larin, Assistant of the Minister of regional Development N. Kondratyev.
According to the reporters, by 2009 under the condition of “starting” of the special economic area tax takings for the budget of the republic will grow 1.7 times, the number of working places will increase 8.6 times, gross regional product will rise 2.3 times.
Land zones where tourist objects will places are already determined in Maima and Chemal regions. In the neighborhood of Manzherok it is planned to assign 1200 hectares of land, and in Chemal Region – 2000 hectares. The participants of the session were shown a videofilm prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments for participation in the upcoming International Tourist Bourse in Berlin.

The intern of 10th group of “Birlik” Information Center
Angela Yedeshova

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