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 Visit of NCIV Representative to Siberia


On 14th July a representative of the Netherlands Center for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV) Gerard van Dorp arrived in Altai to evaluate the results of the seminar "Legislative Process in Russia and Rights of Indigenous Peoples on Land and Natural Resources" held by LIENIP with financial support of NCIV in March in Kemerovskaya Oblast.
Gerard met the participants of the seminar in Gorno-Altaisk. They talked about the concrete use of the seminar, how participants of the seminar succeeded to implement in practice the received knowledge, what other most important problems they face in Altai, what solutions of the problems they see and how NCIV can contribute to these solutions.
Next week Gerard is planning to visit Kemerovo territory to meet and discuss the similar issues with the participants of the seminar from Kuzbass.

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