Chaga-Bairam (Altai New Year) celebration
Дата: 09/02/2005
Тема: Indigenous Issues

In the Altai Republic a celebration ceremony will be held dedicated to Chaga-Bairam (Altai New Year) which is organized by the Altai Buddhists organization "Ak-Jang" (White Faith, Altai language). Hundreds of Gorno-Altaisk citizens came to the Buddhist Dazan (temple) to participate in this holiday celebration. This holiday originated in old times, and it has been preserved and reinforced later by the Telengit peoples of the Kosh-Agach districtthe Altai people live according to the lunar calendar and February 9th new 2005 - year of rooster have come changing the leap-year. For this holiday the Altai men wear new shirts and women - new dresses or sew new buttons (tana-topchi) to old dresses. In this holiday of Chaga-Bairam the Gorno-Altaisk office of LIENIP (Information Center of Indigenous People of the Altai Republic "Birlik") has moved to new office (tel./fax: +7 (388 22) 25738, pr. Communistichesky 31-15). In this occasion our Altai office LIENIP congratulate you with Rooster year coming and wish you renovations, purposefulness, success in work and joy and happiness in life!

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