Changes in Laws Concerning Indigenous Peoples Were Discussed during the Seminar in Altai
Äàòà: 01/10/2007 Òåìà: LIENIP News
In the Altai Republic (Artybash village) training seminar for indigenous peoples “New Forest Code of the Russian Federation and Rights of Indigenous Peoples to Traditional Living”, organized by L’auravetl’an Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples and Ecological Legal Center “Right for Life” was held on 24-25 September. Representatives of public organizations and activists from Altai Republic, Altaisky Kray, Kemerovskaya Oblast participated in the work of the seminar.
There were analyzed changes in the laws concerning saving of traditional lifestyle of indigenous peoples. On the results of the seminar a resolution was signed, where participants supported the bill “About Making Amendments in the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and in Certain Laws of the Russian Federation” and demanded its publishing and broad discussion, they also demanded to make changes in the Water Code of the Russian Federation, to hasten ratification of ILO Convention 169, to publish the draft “About Protection of Original Habitat, Traditional Lifestyle and Traditional Landuse of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation” in press available in the regions of traditional living of indigenous peoples and to organize discussions of the draft in the places of traditional living of indigenous peoples. The resolution will be submitted to governmental bodies of the Russian Federation.