Training for Indigenous Peoples in Karelia Center of LIENIP
Äàòà: 28/10/2007
Òåìà: LIENIP News

On 15 October Youth Information Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples NEVOND has started training “Development of Public Initiatives” in the framework of the course “Education in the Field of Human Rights, Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. Indigenous people from the Karelia Republic, Murmanskaya Oblast arrived for the training.
The study started in a traditional way – forming a team. In a day, the interns not only were introduced to each other, but also formed a team for further work.
For this period the participants of the course studied in details the Constitution of the Russian Federation, basics of human rights, international laws on human rights, knew the general things about the national policy of the Russian Federation, analyzed Water and Forest Codes in connection with federal laws of Russia, learned Russian legislation on rights of indigenous peoples.
On the classes of Svetlana Pasyukova, member of public organization “Society of the Veps Culture”, they learned possibilities of indigenous peoples in the field of education, language and culture development. They also visited State Pedagogical University – Faculty of Baltic-Finnish Philology and Culture, Department of the Karelian and Veps Languages, Lennorot’s Finnish-Ugric School.
Moreover, the trainees of the Center had the chance to acquire basic skills of writing project proposals and check their ability of making projects.

E. Shustova
Director of “NEVOND”

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