Conference for Indigenous Peoples of the Karelia Republic
Äàòà: 28/10/2007 Òåìà: LIENIP News
On 25-26 October 2007 in the Karelia Republic, Karelia Center of LIENIP – Information Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples “NEVOND” organized a conference for indigenous peoples on “Mechanisms of Protection of Indigenous Rights. Right to Water and Forest Resources”, with support of the Ministry on National Policy and Religious Unities of the Karelia Republic and Ecological Legal Center “Right for Life” (Moscow). Representative of state governmental agencies, municipal institutions, public organizations from the Karelia Republic and Murmanskaya Oblast took part in the conference.
The conference was held by lawyers-ecologists – Olga Yakovleva, member of Moscow Regional Board of Barristers, Honorable Barrister of Russia, Elvira Grishenko – executive director of autonomous non-commercial organization “Right for Life” (Moscow).
The main attention was paid to study of legal scope of indigenous peoples to use natural resources. For two days participants of the conference analyzed Forest and Water Codes of Russia in connection with federal laws, Constitution of the Russian Federation, studied laws about indigenous peoples, discussed possibilities and lawful grounds for establishment of territories of traditional land-use and territories under special protection. They knew about the experience of legal actions of indigenous peoples for protection of their constitutional right to traditional living and original habitat.
During the conference, the audience also studied law guarantees of rights of individuals to participate in legislative process.
Participants of the seminar received essential materials and consultations on the issues of their interest.
E. Shustova
Director of “NEVOND”