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 II International Decade of Indigenous Peoples of the World in Altai Krai

Indigenous IssuesIn Altai Krai plan of II International Decade of Indigenous Peoples of the World has been approved. They plan to develop effective economic mechanisms to support traditional way of life of indigenous peoples, logistics in the field of health and education of indigenous peoples, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage, development of traditional culture and participation in all-Russian and interregional activities
Scheduled events are – medical and demographic monitoring, prophylactic health inspections, making data base of Kumandin teenagers of high-risk group, organization of individual work with socially dangerous teenagers.
Festival of social programmes promoting healthy life-style among Kumandin people will take place in the second quarter of the current year. They will continue teaching Kumandin language in schools of Krasnogorsk, Solton districts and Biysk. In Biysk training college №4 they plan to open department for the study and revival of Kumandin language and national arts. And Kumandin ethnic school will be found on basis of Biysk secondary school № 31.
To preserve and promote cultural heritage programme for development of indigenous peoples of Altai Krai will be launched at the turn of the current year. In 2008-2010 arrangement of ethnocultural tourism for Kumandin children and teenager, seminars, round tables, conferences on problems of support of folklore collectors, know-how seminars of Kumandin folk craftsman, publication of folklore workbooks, are planned.
In 2009 Krai delegation will take part in conference "Health of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and Promotion of Healthy Life-Style" (Moscow), in VI Congress of Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (Novosibirsk), in international conference devoted to II International Decade of Indigenous Peoples of the World (Moscow), etc.
The UN General Assembly declared II International Decade of Indigenous Peoples of the World since January, 1 2005. It is aimed to further strengthen international cooperation in solving indigenous problems in culture, education, health, human rights, environment and socio-economic development.

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