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 International Seminar on Preservation of Indigenous Culture in Petrozavodsk

Indigenous IssuesInternational seminar "International Codes and Russian Legislation in the Field of Preservation of Language, Culture, Traditional Living and Nature Management of Indigenous Peoples" will take place in Petrozavodsk on 25-27 of November in the bounds of the II International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples in Russia.
Scientists from Finland, representatives of Regional Development Ministry of the Russian Federation, regional public authorities of the Russian Federation, Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, and national public associations will take part in the seminar.
Plenary meetings will take place in the course of the seminar. The work will be divided into several blocks: "Legal Norms of Traditional Nature Management and Arrangement of Economical Activity of Indigenous Peoples", "International Law and Russian Legislation in the Field of Protection of Indigenous Rights. Theory and Practice", "Legal Norms Providing Preservation of Language, Culture, Traditional Living and Nature Management of Indigenous Peoples". A round table "Indigenous Peoples and International Co-operation" will be also held.

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