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 Training Course in Altai Center

LIENIP News“Education in the Field of Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous Peoples», the first one in 2009, started on March 2, 2009 in regional public organization “Information Center of Indigenous Peoples of Altai Republic “Birlik”. The participants of the course are 9 representatives of indigenous and small-numbered indigenous peoples of Altai republic: Nadezhda Markova, Altai-kizhi; Aleksander Tokoyekov, Telengit; Aidar Tazrashev, Telengit; Khamida Tadina, Telengit; Rodion Chuu, Telengit; Vera Tadykina, Tubalar; Darya Kuruskanova, Chelkan; Shurova Galina, Tubalar; Denis Eduyekov, Tubalar.
Interns have studied Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the framework of educational programme “International Standards in the Field of Human Rights and Rights of Indigenous Peoples Protection”.
Irina Solodukha
Director of Information Center "Birlik"

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