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 Statement of Parents and Pupils of School № 28 in Abakan

LIENIP NewsIn connection with close of school № 28 in Abakan, the Khakass public, parent-teacher association, parents, and pupils of the school made a Statement to Zimin V.M., State Duma deputy; Shtygashev V.N., chairman of Supreme Soviet of Khakass Republic; Lebed A.I., Governor of Khakass Republic; Khakass regional branch of Communist Party of Russian Federation (Kerzhentsev V.N.); Khakass regional branch of All-Russian Party "United Russia" (Zimin V.M.); Legislation and Law Order Committee (Karpova L.B.); Salate G.A., Secretary of Education of Khakass Republic; Burlakin N.G., Abakan mayor to the following effect:
"Town school № 28 is being closed in Abakan, capital of Khakass Republic. This school is not Khakass officially, but in fact the majority of pupils are Khakass, Khakas language is taught in all classes, the school focuses on complex study of historical and cultural heritage of Khakass people – history, culture, religion, etc. That is why the school № 28 is unique.
The close of the school infringes constitutional rights of Khakass people as well as other residents of Abakan regardless of nationality, as some of them may probably wish to send his child to such a school to study the second official language of Khakass Republic, history and cultural traditions of native soil.

Разместил: admin на 25/05/2008 (2901 Прочтено)
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