| He Who Pays the Piper Calls the Tune |
Non-government organizations are used to be financed by all manner of business entities, usually industrial companies. This interaction is logical – the companies damage traditional land use areas of indigenous peoples and pollute the environment so they should bear responsibility for it, including financial one. Unfortunately there are still no federal norms to define the procedure and amount of indemnification. Therefore there are no common regulations of indemnification to indigenous peoples. In this situation regional and local authorities are free in definition of this interaction within the law. Regulations that guarantee protection of indigenous peoples on the one hand and legitimacy of industrial companies’ activities on the other hand are developed and adopted only in the most advanced in respect to indigenous law federal subjects (Krasnoyarsk Krai is none of them). Public agencies, indigenous peoples and industrial companies reach tripartite agreements guaranteeing equal in rights conditions for all parties. This model of interaction is perhaps not the best but the most developed one in present conditions of adequate legal norms absence. But even this variant is being applied only in most developed territories. In most cases business entities finance indigenous organizations and thereby they provide legitimacy of their activities as if they help indigenous peoples. But how effective is this model of interaction? The question becomes sharpest in case of making vital decisions for indigenous peoples (e.g. problem of serious man’s impact on places indigenous peoples live in, plans of anthropogenic land transformation especially when it comes to global ecological changes). In these cases financing of one-time actions of some non-government organizations of indigenous peoples is not enough. Does really he who pays the piper call the tune? On a large scale – yes. The question is how. There are a lot of modern effective forms of interaction. One of them is establishment of indigenous peoples support funds. Such funds should be absolutely financial structures. There are a lot of ways to control the fund activities – public control, council of trustees, obligatory publication of reports and financial statements, auditing, etc. It is possible to provide the maximum transparence of the fund’s activities, much higher than the possibility to control public associations’ activities (it is not talked of public funds). What can a fund finance? For example, special grant programmes for indigenous peoples. Grant competitions acquired a reputation as effective way to support initiatives including those of indigenous peoples. They may be scholarship programmes, accommodations, etc. And the most important thing is that funds may finance specially developed expert programmes of development of indigenous territories and peoples. Companies may support these programmes even without establishment of special funds. And this will not be a one-time situational support of certain indigenous organizations selected on vague basis.
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