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 Small-Numbered Indigenous Peoples: Advantage or Curse?

LIENIP NewsThe program "We" at the radio station Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) began from discussion of this difficult topic on May 12, 2010. Guests of the program were deputy director of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Regional Development Alexei P. Zenko, president of the inter-regional public organization "L’auravetl’an" Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples" Gulvayra Shermatova and vice-president of the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East Pavel Sulyandziga.
During the program they discussed special federal laws governing the life of indigenous peoples of Russia and their enforcement practices. Particular attention was paid to natural resources legislation that gives mall-numbered indigenous peoples the right to traditional land use. One can listen to the program or read its transcript on the site of "Echo of Moscow" at
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