Организация коренных народов для коренных народов Российской Федерации
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 Indigenous Peoples of Canada and Russia – We Go Their Way!

LIENIP NewsThe Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and the Indian and Northern Affairs Development Canada signed Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in development of indigenous peoples and northern territories on 12 February 2010 in Vancouver.
In a follow-up to designated cooperation there was a meeting in the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on June 3, 2010. The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada, Chuck Strahl; representatives of the Ministry, the Canadian Embassy and indigenous organizations took part in the meeting. Director of International Relations Department of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation A.V. Zhuravskii acted as a moderator of the meeting. Regional public organizations of indigenous peoples were represented by G.K. Shermatova (Altai Krai), E.A. Leontyeva (Republic of Karelia), E.N. Nechushkina (Krasnoyarsk Krai), O.V. Etylina, T.M. Kalyantagrau (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).
During the meeting they discussed ways of cooperation of ministries, public organizations of indigenous peoples of Russia and Canada on the most significant issues: sustainable development, climate change, access to natural resources, cooperation with industrial companies, social protection, health, education cooperation, preservation of language and culture. The Minister of Canada was interested in the degree of cooperation development between public organizations of indigenous peoples of Canada and Russia.
During the meeting they also discussed protection of indigenous rights to intellectual property - protection of traditional knowledge. All the participants confirmed the high importance of development of normative documents at international and national levels for protection of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples. Alexandr Zhuravskii announced holding of international symposium on protection of intellectual property of indigenous peoples together with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) this autumn in Russia. Representatives from 30 states are going to take part in it.
Chairman of the Guild of Ethnic Journalism Margarita Lyange raised the issue of media on ethnic issues that come out in indigenous languages. During the conversation it turned out that in Canada there is a large number of print media in indigenous languages, but there is no single print edition published in indigenous languages and distributed nationwide. In Russia there is the newspaper "National Accent" (a supplement to the weekly "Arguments of the week"). At the same time in Russia and Canada national Internet resources are developing, but their development is hampered by complexity of Internet access in remote areas populated by indigenous peoples.
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