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 Development of sustainable system of communication in the Altai Republic: questions and possibilities


On 23-24 November 2006 participants of the training course “Education in the field of human rights, rights of indigenous peoples” took part in the training seminar “Development of sustainable system of communication in the Altai Republic: questions and possibilities” in the building of Gorno-Altaisk State University (Gorno-Altaisk city).

The organizers of the seminar were the Committee on Development of Enterprise, Industry, Transport and Communication; Siberian Academy of Public Service; Novosibirsk State Medical University; Non-Commercial Partnership “Siberian Educational Consultative Center “Connect””.

In the seminar participated the students and lecturers of Gorno-Altaisk State University, commercial and public organizations, officials of the Ministry of Economy, UNESCO representatives in Gorno-Altaisk. In the frameworks of the seminar the participants themselves revealed the needs and problems of the republic and searched the ways of their solution. The following subjects were remarked: “Forms and Methods of Communication of the Altai Republic Population with the State Authority Bodies of the Altai Republic”; “Organizing Free-Time Activities of the Youth in the Town and Villages of the Altai Republic”; “The Single Informational and Educational Environment in the Altai Republic”; “Development of the System of International Exchanges as a way of Communication with the Outer World”; “Development of Personnel Potential of the Altai Republic”, etc.

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