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 Training Programs for Indigenous Peoples


At the end of last year the training program on human rights and international standards of protection of indigenous peoples for indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation was held in two phases: three weeks in Moscow and four weeks in Geneva in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The training programs for indigenous peoples allow representatives of aborigines to study the UN system and mechanisms relating to human rights in general and indigenous issues in particular, so that they could help their organizations and communities to protect and promote the rights of their people. In 2006 in training program for Russian-speaking interns four indigenous representatives from Russia took part: Yakov Kanchuga (Primorsky Kray, representative of Udygey people), Evgenia Pervakova (Kemerovskaya Oblast, representative of Shor people), Sergey Sizonenko (Taimyr, representative of Dolgans), Evgenia Shustova (Karelia Republic, representative of Veps).

The first part of the training course in Moscow included introductory sessions on the UN system and its agencies, mechanisms and procedures connected with the human rights in general and rights of indigenous peoples in particular. The interns met with representatives of specialized agencies of the UN working in the Russian Federation, such as International Labour Organization (ILO), UNESCO, UN Development Program (UNDP).
Moreover, Moscow part was devoted to familiarization with the system of state authority bodies of the Russian Federation, the issues of federal legislation controlling the legal status and rights of small indigenous peoples of Russia, as well as the possibilities of application of federal legislation to protection of rights of indigenous peoples.
In course of their training the interns visited different bodies of executive and legislative authority, such as RF State Duma (the Committee on the Problems of the North and the Far East and the Committee on the Affairs of Nationalities), the RF Federation Council (the Committee on the Affairs of the North and Small Indigenous Peoples), the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (the Department of Federal Target Programs, Development of Northern Territories and Efficient Response and the Department of International Relations), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, State-Legal Department of the President of the Russian Federation.
The interns also familiarized with the structure and activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Apparatus of the Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in Russia, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Geneva part of the training course lasted four weeks and was held in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The training program was a continuation of Moscow part and it was an interactive process including lectures on some subjects such as activity of OHCHR, treaty bodies, procedure issues, instruments and mechanisms of protection of human rights.
During the training there were meetings with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the UN Committee against Torture. Together with the staff of OHCHR the interns studied the order of submitting the complaints and reports from non-governmental organizations to the treaty committees of the UN and the procedures of their consideration, learned the work of voluntary funds of the UN for victims of contemporary forms of slavery and torture. An important event for the participants of the training course was visiting the session of the UN Human Rights Council and the sessions of Intergovernmental Committee of WIPO on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore.
The issues of rights of indigenous peoples were covered in details. There was organized a meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples Rodolfo Stavenhagen, he told about the situation of indigenous peoples all over the world in interesting and cognitive way. The Coordinator of OHCHR department on indigenous peoples and minorities Julian Burger held the lecture about the work of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples. The interns also got acquainted with the mechanisms of protection of rights of indigenous peoples in the system of OHCHR, the functioning of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Peoples and the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Population, studied the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
The program of training also included the meetings with international non-governmental organizations and practical exercises on the rules and form of writing reports, on preparation and implementation of self-presentation, drawing press-releases and reports.
Such training courses are very important as they give the possibility to know about international practice of protection of human rights and rights of indigenous peoples, allow to see the tendencies of development of the system of protection of these rights. This kind of programs is a good basis for continuation of activity connected with protection and promotion of rights of our peoples!
Evgenia Shustova
Director of Youth Informational Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples NEVOND

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