| News from the Trainees of Information Center of Indigenous Peoples of the Altai Republic ''Birlik'' |
On 24 September training course in 'Birlik' Information Center has begun. The new group includes 8 indigenous representatives of Telengits, Tubalars, Altai-Kizhi from Turochak, Kosh-Agach, Ongudai regions and Gorno-Altaisk.
On 28 September participants of the training process “Human Rights, Rights of Indigenous Peoples” in 'Birlik' attended the meeting of the Commission on Regional Development and Local Government of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The Commission is headed by Vyacheslav Glazychev, professor of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture of Moscow Institute of Architecture.
Leaders and representative of public organizations of the Altai Republic spoke on the meeting.
Honorable Lawyer of the Russian Federation Danila Tabayev expressed his opinion on the law 'About Public Chamber' providing mainly social and constitutional rights of individuals. He also made a protest against the direct gas pipeline to China, explaining that it provides gas to foreign countries, while the people living on the territory of the pipeline won't have it.
Represintatives of the Women's Movement 'Katun' told about discrimination of women in the goverment.
Chairperson of the Assembly of Peoples of the Altai Republic Natalya Ikeyeva paid attention on the environment protection: with development of tourism, environment is getting polluted, and the life expectancy is reducing from year to year.
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