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 President of LIENIP is Speaking at the High-level Dialogue of the General Assembly

On 4-5 October in the United Nations Headquarters the High-level Dialogue of the General Assembly on Interreligious and Intercultural Understanding and Cooperation for Peace is convened. The ground for organizing the Dialogue has become the urgent need to deepen the cooperation and understanding between cultures, religions and civilizations caused by the effect of globalization processes, international travel and migration, the fast-expanding capacities of communication, tensions amongst diverse ethnic and religious groups, the realities of wars, worldwide threats of terrorism, and the grave consequences of global climate change.
The High-level Dialogue and its Informal Hearing aim to strengthen efforts of interreligious and intercultural understanding and cooperation by engaging a variety of actors and constituencies, especially in government, civil society and the United Nations System.
The President of LIENIP Gulvayra Shermatova will speak at the Dialogue on “Challenges of Interreligious and Intercultural Cooperation Today”.

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