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 News from the interns of Altai Center of LIENIP

On 18 October 2007 participants of the training course “Education in the Field of Human Rights, Rights of Indigenous Peoples” of “Birlik” Information Center had the meeting with the Director of Altai State Nature Reserve – Igor Vyacheslavovich Kalmykov and the head of Ecological Education – Svetlana Nikolayevna Shigoreva. The meeting was very useful and interesting. Igor Nikolayevich told about current work of the Nature Reserve, and Svetlana Nikolayevna dwelled on the projects implemented this year, there were a lot of them. A number of initiatives on sustainable support of the population were realized by the Nature Reserve in the framework of the project of UNDP/GEF “Saving Biodiversity in Russian Part of Altai-Sayan Ecoregion”.
A lot of attention is paid to work with the population living on the territory of the Nature Reserve. The previous administration of the Nature Reserve had conflict with the population of Yailyu village, which lasted quite a long time. That’s why this year representatives of the Nature reserve have had active cooperation with Yailyu inhabitants. There is a visit-center in national traditional style opened for the tourists, who come to the Teletskoye Lake. Moreover, Public Council is established within the structure of the Nature Reserve, which includes the staff members of the Altai Nature Reserve, representatives of Yailyu population, indigenous communities of the neighboring area. Similar Public Councils are planned to establish on the territory of the nature reserve in Ulagan Region.
At the end of the meeting Igor Vyacheslavovich treated everybody with apples from Yailyu gardens.

Interns of “Birlik”
Aruna Myzayeva
Surkurai Kudachina

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