| Public Presentation of Projects by Interns of Krasnoyarsk Center of LIENIP |
On 15 October there was held the Public Presentation of the Projects of the Interns of Informational Legal Center of Indigenous Peoples of Krasnoyarsky Kray, which became the final activity of the training course “Education in the Field of Human Rights, Rights of Indigenous Peoples”.
For experts’ consideration the interns submitted the projects aiming to solve certain problems of indigenous peoples of Taimyr. During all the period of the training course the trainees were working at their projects, which are expected to fulfill in the frameworks of grant competitions (first of all, the grant program of Krasnoyarsky Kray “Social Partnership for Development”), target programs and other possibilities for funding. Classes on social projects with the trainees were held by O.A.Suvorova and M.V.Sirotina. Altogether 6 projects were presented.
Intern E.S.Laptukov submitted the project “Following the Population Census in Turukhansk”, aiming to creation of an informational methodical edition on the basis of archive and expedition materials about the past and contemporary state of hunting, about customs and traditions of indigenous population of Taimyr, their hunting culture. Interns Ye.N. Sablina and M.D. Popova presented the project “Flowers of Life” providing preventive measures against deviant behavior of indigenous children of 9-14 years old living in Novorybnya village of Khatanga Settlement through support of traditional arts. V.N. Vengo, the only Nenets of the group, offered the project “The New Way”, the main objective of which is to create a clan community of Nenets people of Nosok village of Karaul Settlement. Intern M.Yu. Chardu presented a project, which sounds in the Dolgan language as “Ologkun Tuksar” (Improve the Life). The main content of the project is connected with organizing of informational law seminars and further consulting of indigenous representatives of Taimyr engaged in traditional economic activities and leading a nomadic life in Khatanga Settlement. Trainees Z.I. Maryasova and T.E. Porotova presented the project “Save for Descendants” aiming to establish groups for children for studying of the Dolgan language in Khatanga. A.I. Bettu introduced the project “Hope and Support” the aim of which is to help veterans, invalids and old people in everyday problems via a voluntary team of young people of Syndassko settlement.
An expert of the Public Presentation of the Projects, Ludmila Aleksandrovna Vladyko (consultant of the Department of Cooperation with Public Organizations and Political Parties of the Agency of Public Relations of the Council of Administration of Krasnoyarsky Kray, member of the Council on Social Grants of Krasnoyarsky Kray), expressed her evaluation of the projects from the point of view of their matching to the requirements of the grant program of Krasnoyarsky Kray “Social Partnership for Development”. Ludmila Alexandrovna also gave valuable recommendations to the trainees for preparation of the projects in the future. Marina Khasametovna Magamedova, assistant of the Head of the Agency on Support of North Indigenous Peoples of the Admonistration of Krasnoyarsky Kray, and expert of Public Presentation of the Projects, commented the projects on the whole and expressed recommendations to the content. Every project was accompanied with computer presentation.
Krasnoyarsk Center is acknowledged to all the lecturers, experts, specialists for their assistance to the event and the training course on social projects. We also hope that the main part of the projects of the trainees will be implemented successfully, and the Center will help them in this task.
Elena Nechushkina,
Director of Krasnoyarsk Center
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