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 International Day of Human Rights

LIENIP NewsInternational Day of Human Rights is celebrated annually all over the world on the 10th of December. This day is also widely celebrated by progressive people, human rights activists and all those who are called to provide civil laws and freedom of the Russians by their official duty.
Innokenty Yegorovich Zhmakov, Krasnogorsk region ombudsman has signed order
№ 4 of December 12, 2007 to mark the occasion of this date.
Our colleague Nechushkina Yelena Nikolayevna, president of the regional public organization “Legal and Information Center of Krasnoyarsk region Indigenous Population” is among those reworded with Paper for information and educational public work in the field of regional indigenous population rights.
We congratulate Yelena Nikolayevna with all our hearts on the public admission of her great contribution to the human rights security on the territory of Krasnoyarsk region and on high evaluation of her work. We wish her further success.

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