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 New Year's Day in Khakassia

LIENIP NewsOn March 22, day of vernal equinox, Khakass Republic celebrated Chyl Pazy - New Year's Day.
The traditional holiday in Abakan gathered representatives of all republic regions and guests. Informational Center of Indigenous Peoples didn't stay aside and arranged it for visually impaired persons. Physically challenged can not take part in big and crowded events. They need a good voicing and detailed explanation of what is going on. They need an individual approach and direct contact. "Aran Chula" and Republic Visually Impaired Persons Club tried to take account of all specific features and familiarized visually impaired participants with traditional rites as precisely as possible.
It gave people great pleasure to perform all necessary actions after Algyschi (herald) – traditional master of ceremonies on Chyl Pazy. They burnt black ribbons – chalama together with all troubles, diseases and misfortunes, and they tied colored chalama on a sacred birch wishing everybody prosperity in the New Year. They also enjoyed sports and competitions. Of course, most of them were held in game. "Riding chairs" especially pleased those present. To complete the holiday, there was sampling of traditional Khakass dishes cooked by the participants.
That unusual New Year party was a success according to those present. We hope that this holiday will become traditional and favorite for physically challenged.
Lev Nerbyshev,
Director of "Aran Chula"

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Самая читаемая статья: LIENIP News:
Statement of Parents and Pupils of School № 28 in Abakan

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