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 The Third Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


The third session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, created by the Human Rights Council to assist implementation of its mandate to promote unuversal respect for the protection of human rights and fundanental freedoms, was opened today on 12 July 2010 in Geneva. Ms. Navanethem Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, welcomed the members of the Expert Mechanism, representatives of member states, the United Nations system, non-governmental organizations and representatives of regional human rights mechanisms and national human rights institutions. The main agenda item is the study on indigenous peoples and the right to participate in desision-making. Significatly, it was chosen by the Human Rights Council on the basis of a specific proposal made by the Expert Mehanism at its 2nd session. Although this is only the 3rd session, the Expert Mechanism has already been able to build a constructive approach in the implementation of its mandate, always aiming to achieve concrete results.
Interregional public organisation «Lauravetlan Information and Education Neeetwork of Indigenous Peoples» is taking part in the session as an observer.
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