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 Workshop for Representatives of Shorian Indigenous Communities of Khakassia

LIENIP NewsOn September 8, 2010 the Ministry of National and Territorial Policy of Khakass Republic together with Gulvayra Shermatova, president of interregional public organization “L’auravetl’an Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples” organized a workshop for representatives of indigenous communities of Shors living in Republic of Khakassia.

According to G. Shermatova interregional public organization " L'auravetl'an Information and Education Network of Indigenous Peoples” (LIENIP) is currently situated in Moscow and protects rights and national and cultural interests of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation. LIENIP carries out this activity in cooperation with federal authorities including the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Russian and international NGOs.

In 2010 LIENIP received a grant from the Council of Europe within the framework of support of nongovernmental organizations. The grant allowed organizing an ethno-cultural camp for Kumandin children this summer. This project is conditional on an urgent problem related to the preservation of Kumandin language. According to G. Shermatova Kumandins live in Altai Krai and Altai Republic. Tragedy for the people is that Kumandin language has virtually disappeared. Native speakers are only elderly people aged 70 and 80. Nearly three generations of Kumandins do not speak native language.
LIENIP’s project supported by the Council of Europe allowed organizing of the ethno-cultural camp where Kumandin children have been learning basics of their native language, customs of ancestors, folklore and national cuisine for 20 days. Well-known Altai figures of culture, science and education held master-classes for the children.
G. Shermatova presented a video film about the project, answered numerous questions of Shorian representatives living in Khakassia and voiced the hope that Khakass Republic also can participate in projects supported by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and international humanitarian organizations.
Ministry of National and Territorial Policy of Khakass Republic

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Statement of Parents and Pupils of School № 28 in Abakan

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